News and views

Read the latest news and views on Gingerbread’s work and the issues affecting single parent families today.

Report shows single parents held back in their careers and trapped in low paid roles

4th Nov 2019

With nearly half (49%) of children in single parent households living in poverty, low pay and financial hardship is a critical issue for many single parent families.  In-work progression is a key way for single...

A new Gingerbread report published today reveals that, despite having the skills and motivation to progress in work, single parents are being unfairly blocked from career progression by factors outside of their control.

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Government U-turn on child maintenance avoidance is “welcome but not enough”

12th Jul 2018

The government’s new child maintenance strategy shows it is listening to the concerns raised by Gingerbread and single parents,[1] but still leaves question marks as to whether the Child Maintenance Service (CMS) is fit for...

Notes [1] Gingerbread’s response to the DWP’s consultation. [2] Child maintenance avoidance describes when a paying parent minimises their declared income, which is used to calculate maintenance owed, thereby paying far less than they can afford. [3] Parents...

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Unfair benefit sanctions push single parents further away from employment

17th Apr 2018

Unfair benefit sanctions can result in single parents being less likely to find employment and take a severe financial and emotional toll on single parents and their children, with the situation set to worsen under...

Unhelpful and unfair? also shows the first signs that Universal Credit risks making this situation worse, as more single parents – including those with very young children and those who are in work – are...

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