Gingerbread hosts #FixTheCMS reception
11th Feb 2025
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Posted 6 June 2023
We are thrilled to announce that author, Neil Boss, is our latest charity partner!
Neil is the author of ‘Maybe It’s About Time’, a story of Marcus, who has more money than he needs but whose life in the corporate world is in turmoil and Claire, a single mother struggling to exist on Universal Credit. Neil is donating all royalties of his to book Gingerbread.
Talking about his donation, Neil says: “One of questions posed in my first novel ‘Maybe It’s About Time’ is ‘How much money do we need to be happy?’
This question is seen differently through the eyes of the two main characters, Marcus and Claire.
The book continues to get amazing reviews as readers immerse themselves in the lives of its characters. So when my publisher sent me my first two royalty cheques it posed the same question to me? What should I do with the money? It was always my intention to write purely for pleasure, both for me and the people who read my books.
Buying more fishing rods that I didn’t need would be a waste so I decided I would put the money to better use. I’m really pleased that Gingerbread, the charity supporting single parents in the UK has agreed to be the recipient of all proceeds from the sales of ‘Maybe It’s About Time’. Every single penny. Last Thursday, I handed over the first cheque for £1,532. If you have read the book and know Claire’s story, you will understand why it’s very appropriate..
So, every time you buy a copy, not only do you get a great read, but all the proceeds will go towards helping others who may be finding life a little more challenging than you.”
Click here to find out more about ‘Maybe It’s About Time’.